International Journal ofComputers and Their ApplicationsISSN: 1076-5204Letter from the EditorThe ISCA journal is indexed in Scopus.The International Journal of Computers and Their Applications is published four times a year (March, June, September, and December) to provide a forum for state-of-the-art research and development in the theory and design of computers and current innovative activities in the applications of computers. In contrast to other journals, this journal encourages contributions in real-world applications of emerging computer technology and advances in theoretical areas. Current topics of interest include but are not limited to cyber security, networks, intelligent systems, parallel and distributed computing, software and information engineering, data analytics, and computer applications (for example, medicine, business, and education).
The encouragement of applied contributions implies that papers dealing with innovative computing technology applications, or ones that may clarify how new theoretical results may be effectively used in real problems, are of interest. Theoretical papers are also welcome and are expected to include case studies and experiments to illustrate the theory's applicability. All papers are subject to a thorough peer review. The key criterion in the review process, as in other journals, is whether the paper contains a novel contribution to the computing area, which the Editorial Board feels is sufficient to be of significant interest to the current/future computing research and application domains. The editorial board includes general chairs and program co-chairs of ISCA conferences. The editorial board brings a substantial background and experience to the reviewing and journal development processes. An important goal of the editorial board is to minimize the time delay between paper submission and publication without compromising the reviewing process. This is promoted through carefully defined reviewing procedures. We look forward to the challenge of maintaining this strategy as the journal activities grow. The links to other pages provide further information on the requirements/directions for paper submission and information on past journal papers and ordering journal copies and subscriptions. Editor-In-Chief
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